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Our BR 100s!

  • Here are our Battle Rank 100 members!

Here are our Battle Rank 100 members as of 2014-09-18:


1 robocpf1
2 BlackPhlanx
3 Champagon
4 DaDubman
5 Jos
6 Khaot
7 LocoCoyote
8 nullfunction
9 PorkPuller
10 ReaperOfSouls
11 RedKnights
12 Biscuit3
13 deathwish200k
14 Edeep
15 HammerSpike
16 JackFr0st5
17 Master
18 Meatball1
19 Spoor
20 Thurwell
21 Zimbro
22 0001
23 AlphaVolke
24 Argimor
25 Bean
26 CaveItUp
27 CryoLizard
28 Eska
29 EvilSmoo
30 FabricatorGeneral
31 Farmacist
32 Fatslice
33 FauxPaws
34 ffz
35 FidoTheFish
36 FroZown
37 FunkOTron
39 Halsoy
40 imb0r3d
41 IndigoEclipse
42 InfernoZan
43 InterSlayer
44 Jobarra
45 Krinsee
46 Kyrth
47 lueyja1
48 Martty
50 MrBonWOLF
51 Muirgheal
52 Niimble
53 Okryt
54 OperationMindcrime
55 RailFury
56 Raymondo316
57 ShepardCommander
58 Sorro
59 TakaraGotR
60 Terzer
61 thejericho
62 Time2MakeTheDonuts
63 Torokokill
64 Toxenov
65 Troutkins
66 Voight
67 Weberjeagermangensen
68 willclimb
69 Xenik
70 xGuru
71 xRimax
72 Xulor
73 Gauron
74 LeonardJones
75 MasterChef82
76 MaximoFeatherston
77 Nevaire
78 Seraphoka
79 ZoolXen

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